Kirurgiske suturer for veterinaerer.
Samme kvalitet. Halve prisen.

vetsuture® fastPGA - Belagt vevd tråd - Polyglykolsyre - Resorberbare, sterile suturer - Rask resorbsjon (42 dager)

Resorberbare, sterile suturer - Rask resorbsjon (42 dager)

vetsuture® fastPGA : Belagt vevd tråd - Polyglykolsyre


- Hudsuturer for dyr som er vanskelige
- Vev som er vanskelig å nå


- Fremragende knutesikkerhet
- Høy strekkraft
- Begrenset kapillaritet (belagt))
- Usedvanlig glatt

Tilsvarende suturer

- Ethicon® Vicryl® Rapide (PGLA)
- B.Braun® Safil® Quick (PGA)
- Covidien® Velosorb® Fast (PGLA)

Belagt vevd tråd
Resorberbare, sterile suturer
Rask resorbsjon (42 dager)
Støtte for sår : 10 dager
90 cm lang tråd
Farge: ufarget
5 års sterilitet

vetsuture® fastPGA is an absorbable, sterile, surgical suture, composed of homopolymers of Glycolide (100%). For added lubrication and smoothness, vetsuture® fastPGA is coated with unique combination of Polycaprolactone and Calcium Stearate. vetsuture® fastPGA meets all the requirements, established by the United States Pharmacopeia for Absorbable Surgical suture. vetsuture® fastPGA is available as undyed. vetsuture® fastPGA sutures elicit a minimal to moderate initial inflammatory tissue reaction. Progressive loss of tensile strength and eventual absorption of vetsuture® fastPGA sutures occur by means of hydrolysis, where the polymer degrades to Glycolic acid. It gets absorbed quickly and metabolized in the site of implantation. Absorption begins with loss of tensile strength followed by loss of mass. vetsuture® fastPGA shows that 5 days post implantation approximately 50% of the original tensile strength remains. All of the original tensile strength is lost by approximately 10-14 days post implantation. The absorption of vetsuture® fastPGA occurs thereafter and is essentially complete by 42 days.

EPUSPlang Kurvetlang Point Ethicon B.Braun
FPGLA1CN 1 5/0 90cm - 35"3/8 13mm - 0.52" ReverseCut C-3 DS 13
FPGLA15CN 1.5 4/0 90cm - 35"3/8 19mm - 0.75" ReverseCut FS-2 DS 19
FPGLA2CN 2 3/0 90cm - 35"3/8 24mm - 0.95" ReverseCut FS-1 DS 24
FPGLA3CN 3 2/090cm - 35"3/8 30mm - 1.18" ReverseCut FSL DS 30

5 års sterilitet


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SAMMENLIGN VÅRE PRISER MED DE FRA DIN TILBYDER. Våre priser er 24 til 70 % billigere.

nål - Vetfire®

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