Nicht resorbierbarer geflochtener & beschichteter Polyesterfaden
vetsuture® BOND :
- Nähte in langsam heilendem Gewebe
- Nähte in Gewebewänden
- Hautnähte (hier sind jedoch die monofilen Fäden vorzuziehen) |
- Hervorragende Knotensicherheit
- Sehr hohe Reissfestigkeit
- Aussergewöhnliches Gleitvermögen
- Ausgezeichnete Verträglichkeit |
Ähnliches Nahtmaterial
- Ethicon® Ethibond®
- B.Braun® Flexidene®
- Covidien® Surgidac® |
MERKMALE: Nicht resorbierbares, steriles Nahtmaterial Farbe: grün - Beschichtet für besseres Gleiten im Gewebe - OhneSägeeffekt - Sterilität: 5 Jahre (EO)
vetsuture® BOND is a nonabsorbable, sterile, surgical suture, composed of fine filaments of Polyester, Poly Ethylene Tere Phthalate. The fine polyester fibres are braided to produce firm suture that remains soft and pliable. vetsuture® BOND is colored green with D&C Green No.5, an U.S.F.D.A. approved dye. For added lubrication and smoothness, vetsuture® BOND is coated with highly biologically inert wax. vetsuture® BOND meets all the requirements, established by the United States Pharmacopeia for Nonabsorbable Surgical suture. vetsuture® BOND is indicated for use in soft tissue approximation and or ligation, including use in plastic and opthalmic procedures but not for use in cardiovascular and neurological tissues.
BOND suture materials are set with a high-quality vetfire needle, designed for the veterinarian art.
Needles are siliconized for a better penetration.
| Fäden | Nadel |
| EP | USP | lange | Gebogenen | lange |
Point |
Ethicon |
B.Braun |
2 | 3/0 | 90cm - 35" | 3/8 |
24mm - 0.95" |
ReverseCut |
FS-1 |
DS 24 |
3 |
2/0 |
90cm - 35" | 3/8 |
30mm - 1.18" |
ReverseCut |
DS 30 |
6 |
3+4 |
90cm - 35" |
1/2 |
40mm - 1.57" |
TapperCut |
CT |
HRC 40 |

Sterilität : 5 Jahre