Veterinaere kirurgiske suturer.
Samme kvalitet. Halv pris.

vetsuture® PGA - Coated vaevet tråd - Polyglykolsyre - Sterile resorberbare suturer - Mellem-rate resorption (60-90 dage)

Coated vaevet tråd - Mellem-rate resorption (56-70 dage)

vetsuture® PGLA : Coated vaevet tråd - Polyglactin 910


- Suturering og underbinding i generel kirurgi
- Muskler og aponeurose
- Underbinding af haemostaser


- Høj traekstyrke
- Meget lav vaevsreaktion
- Begraenset kapillaritet (coated)
- Ingen saveeffekt på vaevet

Tilsvarende suturer

- Ethicon® Vicryl®
- B.Braun® Novosyn®
- Covidien® Polysorb®

Polyglactin 910
Coated vaevet tråd
Sterile resorberbare suturer
Resorptionstid : 56-70 Dage
Sår support: 35 Dage
90 cm lang tråd
Farve: violet
5 års sterilitet

PGLA® is an absorbable, sterile, surgical suture, composed of Polyglactin 910. PGLA® is colored violet with D & C Violet No. 2, conforming to U.S. Code of Federal regulations. For added lubrication and smoothness, PGLA® is coated with unique combination of Polyglycolide-co-lactide (30/70) and Calcium Stearate. PGLA® Sutures get absorbed in the site of implantation, owing to hydrolysis, where the polymer degrades to Glycolic acid and lactic acid. Absorption begins with loss of tensile strength followed by loss of mass. 80% of original tensile strength is retained up to 14days after surgery. 90% of initial tensile strength is lost at the end of 4th week post implantation. Absorption of PGLA® suture is minimal upto 10% in two weeks, 25% of mass gets absorbed in four weeks, upto 75% in two months and absorption is essentially complete between 56 and 70 days.

Vores sortiment af suturer PGLA

EPUSPlang trådBuetlang tråd Point Ethicon B.Braun
PGLA07CN 0.7 6/0 45cm - 18" 3/813mm - 0.52" ReverseCut C-3 DS 13
PGLA1CN 15/0 90cm - 35" 3/813mm - 0.52" ReverseCut C-3 DS 13
PGLA15CN 1.54/090cm - 35" 3/8 19mm - 0.75" ReverseCut FS-2 DS 19
PGLA2CN 23/090cm - 35" 3/8 24mm - 0.95" ReverseCut FS-1 DS 24
PGLA3CN 32/090cm - 35" 3/8 30mm - 1.18" ReverseCut FSL DS 30
PGLA35CN 3.5 0 90cm - 35" 3/8 30mm - 1.18" ReverseCut FSL DS 30
PGLA4CN 4 1 90cm - 35" 1/2 40mm - 1.57" ReverseCut CP HS 40
PGLA5CN 5 2 90cm - 35" 1/2 48mm - 1.88" ReverseCut CPX HS 48
PGLA1RN 1 5/0 90cm - 35" 3/813mm - 0.52" Tapper C-1 DR 13
PGLA15RN 1.5 4/0 90cm - 35" 3/8 19mm - 0.75" Tapper BB* DR 18*
PGLA2RN 2 3/0 90cm - 35" 3/8 24mm - 0.95" Tapper BB-1* DR 26*
PGLA3RN 3 2/0 90cm - 35" 3/8 30mm - 1.18" Tapper TE* DR 32*
PGLA35RN 3.5 0 90cm - 35" 3/8 30mm - 1.18" Tapper TE* DR 32*
PGLA2LG 2 3/0 250cm - 8,2 ft PGA ligapack Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA3LG 3 2/0250cm - 8,2 ft PGA ligapack Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA35LG 3.5 0250cm - 8,2 ft PGA ligapack Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA4LG 4 1250cm - 8,2 ft PGA ligapack Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA5LG 5 2250cm - 8,2 ft PGA ligapack Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA6LG 6 3+4250cm - 8,2 ft PGA ligapack Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA2CAS015 2 3/0 15m - 49 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA3CAS025 3 2/0 15m - 49 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA35CAS015 3.5 0 15m - 49 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA4CAS015 4 1 15m - 49 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA5CAS025 5 225m - 82 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA6CAS025 63+425m - 82 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA7CAS025 7 5 25m - 82 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
PGLA8CAS025 8 6 25m - 82 ft PGA 'cassette' Suturer på spoler - Suturer uden nål
* suggested replacement

5 års sterilitet (cassette = 3 )


Vores referencer

SAMMENLIGN VORES PRISER MED DEM FRA DIN LEVERANDØR. Vores priser er 30 til 60% billigere.

nål - Vetfire®

Instruction for Use

Last update 2017/04/04 - A brand © Noévia SAS | 2004-2017 - vetsuture - Kontakt os - Overvågning af medicinsk udstyr Follow vetsuture on Twitter Follow vetsuture on Facebook